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What to Expect at Universal Studios Orlando During 2020

This summer, Things 1, 4 and I visited Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida.  Much like the Disney trip (to see more on that, go here, low crowds and low prices were driving decision-makers.

My purpose in creating this post is to help you know what to expect when traveling to Universal Studios in Orlando during 2020.

Upon leaving the parking garage, you will follow the blue socially-distanced dots to temperature check-in.


After parking or shuttling to the entrance to CityPark, you will make your way over the bridge to the temperature checking area.  There you will find 6-foot stickers to mark where your group should stand and wait.

When you reach the temperature checking station, a health care worker will take your temperature via a temperature gun that is held at your forehead.  Those with temperatures reaching 100.4 or above will not be allowed to proceed. 

Following the temperature check, you will be shown to lines that lead you to what I would call “Old-school airport security”.  You will place your bags on a conveyer and walk through the security machine.  Bags will be available to pick up on the other side.

With more and more people heading to Orlando now, one thing to note is that Universal Studios is first come, first serve attendance. This means that if they reach their current designated capacity, and you arrive after this, you will not be allowed into the parks that day.  This differs from Walt Disney World where you reserve a spot ahead of time.  This aspect is important to consider when making the decision to travel to Islands of Adventure, Universal Studios Florida and Volcano Bay parks.


Once inside the parks, we noticed several changes. If I’m being honest, I wouldn’t mind if several of these changes were long-term. 



When arriving at The Leaky Cauldron for lunch, we stood in a socially-distant line and awaited our turn to be seated. In the past, this line led to a register where you placed your order. Now you are seated and directed to order using the mobile ordering option within the app. Once ready, your food will be brought directly to you.

Order food via the Universal App.

One thing to note: if you have purchased the dining plan, ordering online at your seat will not be an option. Rather, a server will take one member of your party up to the register to place your parties’ order. 


No trip to Hogsmeade is complete without a trip to Honeyduke’s!

In some shops, like Honeyduke’s, 6 ft markers were placed outside the store to promote small numbers in the store at once. The crowds were next to non-existent while we were there, so these were not used by us.

Olivander’s Wand Shop was another story.  The store historically is awkwardly crammed with lots of anxious wand-owners.  Thing 4 was pretty jazzed about acquiring her own wand.  We were ushered in through a back door of sorts and granted our very own personal shopper. This I found to be an excellent change from our trip a few years ago.  After asking Thing 4 a few questions, she made some recommendations and a wand was selected!

I was so wrapped up in the experience, I neglected to take pictures within the shop. Nevertheless, the end result was pure happiness!

Who is Thing 4 plotting to cast a spell on?


Aside from the two mentioned, most shops, particularly the ones at ride exits, were uncrowded but did not appear to have big crowd-control measures in place. Again, it was quiet when we were there, so this was a non-issue.  I am not sure what the current status.


Many rides require you to place your loose items in a locker. These lockers are provided for free for the duration of the ride. 

Locker areas are broken up into different areas. Currently, the process to obtain a locket is to stand in a socially-distant line and wait to be allowed access to a locker. An employee will send 1 member of your party to a locker area to put away your parties’ belongings.  Only one person is allowed in a locker section at a time.

When you return to the lockers after the ride, you will need to wait at the ride exit door that leads into the locker area and wait for your locker section to become available. 

Fingers crossed the person in front of you doesn’t have a locker issue. I found the ones that still require a fingerprint to be quite glitchy during this visit. That is neither here nor there, so let’s continue, shall we?

Virtual Line

Can I just say, the Universal App is fantastic! One feature within the app is access to the Virtual Line. This feature comes in handy in particular with the Hagrid Motorbike Adventure ride. 

How does this work? Well, upon arriving at Universal (and when I say arrive, I mean parking garage), log into the Universal App.  Under the selections, find Virtual Queue.  Click on it. The rides available for the virtual line will be listed. Get a spot for Hagrid’s line s if it is available.

If there is no Hagrid’s option, don’t despair. Check back regularly until it pops up.  The park does appear to release more spots throughout the day. DO NOT FORGET TO GET A SPOT FOR EVERYONE IN YOUR GROUP. Don’t ask me why I mention that.

A gorgeous queue leading up to riding with Hagrid.


Most other rides in the park that are listed as options don’t really warrant needing one of these spots.  However, this is not the case with Hagrid’s. You will not get on Hagrid’s without a spot in the virtual line. 

Did I mention that I love this queue?


When it is time to board Hagrid’s, the app will notify you that your time slot is now open. You will stand in line, place your things in a locker, and proceed to a beautiful queue!  Universal really knocked it out of the park with this ride, so be sure to jump on. It is worth it!!!


You know I love Disney, right? Well, let me tell you something.  Universal has won my heart this year in one major area.  Do you know what it is? Two words: hand sanitizer!!!

Yes, yes, Disney also supplies hand sanitizer.  However, Universal goes one step further. BEFORE you are allowed to proceed onto a ride, a Universal Employee gives you a nice squirt of hand sanitizer. This is not optional. I love this so freaking much.  As someone who came home from Disney one year and developed strep throat two days later, I hope this is a permanent THING. It probably isn’t, but I can dream, right?



The time I wore my mask inside out. Sigh.

  You know you gotta wear one, right? Universal is a bit more accepting in what constitutes a mask than Disney, but it’s still not optional.  Gators are accepted forms of masks. 

Universal would let you walk, drink, and eat when my girls and I were there. I am assuming this is still the case.

Thing 1 takes a break from her mask in the Leaky Cauldron


Additionally, you are allowed to take selfies with characters sans masks. You may also remove your mask on heavy water splash rides, like Jurassic Park.

Wolverine and Rogue approve of us removing our masks for a selfie!


Deals on Tickets

My girls and I jumped in on a SWEET deal for annual passes.  Basically, for the cost of 3 days in the parks, we have 15-month access. 

While this deal has ended, there are other awesome deals out there.  For one trip usage, currently, the promotions are buying two days, get three additional days free. If you are a Florida resident, you can purchase 1 day and get in for free until Christmas Eve. 

Final Observations:

In some ways, I felt like Universal has a better handle of things. The hand sanitizer pumped into your hand before each ride was a big deal. I also love that shows like Bourne and Horror Makeup are open.

Go see the Horror Makeup Show! It is so much fun!


 In other ways, I felt a little skittish. For example, getting ice cream in Diagon Alley at Florean Fontescue’s did not go over well for me personally.  It is a small building, slow line, and just did not feel socially distant at all. Some of the lines like Kong Skull Island, were a little awkward to socially distance in. It sometimes felt like a game of musical chairs when the 6 ft stickers were spaced out to 18 feet for example to keep people from standing right next to each other in a wraparound line. I believe in some spaces, Plexiglass dividers could help alleviate the situation.

Any way you slice it, we had an amazing time.  Hats off to the employees at Universal Studios. You are working hard to make people feel safe and welcome!

2 thoughts on “What to Expect at Universal Studios Orlando During 2020”

    1. The Hogwarts express was one family per cabin. Masks stay on entire journey.

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